Sunday, May 8, 2022

Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion - 24 Feb 19

Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of The Holy Communion - 24 Feb 19

Sickness. Suffering. Premature aging and death. When the world offers no lasting solutions for the human condition, God has given us a powerful gift to escape the ills of humanity. In this bondage-breaking message, Joseph Prince shows you from Scripture how you can break free from mankind’s curse through the Holy Communion! Experience a supernaturally healthy life as you begin to: • See God’s heart for His children to walk in divine health and wholeness. • Understand what it means to “partake worthily” of the Lord’s Supper. • Focus on the finished work of Jesus and stop worrying about your level of faith. Discover how simple, practical and accessible God’s delivery system of healing is. Beloved, take up the invitation to partake of this divine meal. You’ll find yourself healthier, stronger, and younger in the days to come! Get the full message at: - Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Find us at:

Release God's Power into Your Situation


Release God's Power into Your Situation

As He is, so are we in this world.

1 John 4:17

Let me share with you how Megan, a precious lady from Minnesota, confronted her fears by speaking the Word of 

God for the area of her need and saw the power of God released in her situation. I’ll let her tell you her story:

I was diagnosed with throat and neck cancer. After a series of treatments, I recovered and tests showed that there 

was no more cancer. However, two years later, the doctors found a mass in my throat again.

At that time, I’d begun watching Joseph Prince on television. He shared a testimony of a woman who had taken hold 

of 1 John 4:17—“as He is, so are we in this world”—for herself and ended up not needing to have any surgery.

So I took hold of this Scripture for myself as well. My first thought after hearing the doctor’s diagnosis was,

“As Jesus  is, so am I in this world. Since He does not have cancer, then neither do I.”

Fear tried to enter my thoughts over the next several days, but I believed and kept declaring 1 John 4:17 as I was 

being told that I might have cancer again. I was advised to have a biopsy done and was also told that a bilateral 

tonsillectomy, a procedure to remove the tonsils, would be needed.

As I was being prepped for surgery, I was asked if there was anything I wanted to say. I said, “Yes. When the doctor 

comes in to do the surgery, she will say that the surgery is not needed and there is no cancer.”

And that was exactly what happened! The tonsillectomy was canceled because the biopsy showed that I did not have 

cancer! When told the good news, I smiled and said, “Thank You, Jesus!”

I have your book, 100 Days of Favor, which has a page that teaches on 1 John 4:17. 

I keep a bookmark on that page  and read it often.

I am continually being set free by the gospel of grace. Thank you, Pastor Prince!

Praise the Lord—what an awesome testimony of the power of the written Word released through our mouths! 

Beloved, what the Lord did for Megan, He can and will do for you too!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

"How to Prepare for a Life Reset" with Pastor Rick Warren

"How to Prepare for a Life Reset" with Pastor Rick Warren

Life is complicated, and there are so many things that require our attention. It’s easy to get overloaded and start to feel sluggish. It’s time to hit the reset button! However, there are a couple steps toward resetting our lives that have to take place before we begin the journey. This week, Pastor Rick shares four steps you can take to get ready for a reset. ——— Listen to Pastor Rick's daily Bible teaching and subscribe to his Daily Hope email devotional at Connect with Rick! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Podcast:

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

"What Is Jesus Doing Now?" with Pastor Rick Warren

"What Is Jesus Doing Now?" with Pastor Rick Warren

This weekend, on every continent on earth and in thousands of different languages, people are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it doesn’t stop there—not only was Jesus resurrected, he is STILL alive! As Christians, we know this to be true, because we have had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. This Easter weekend, instead of looking at what Jesus did, Pastor Rick is taking a look at what Jesus is currently doing in the world today. ——— Listen to Pastor Rick's daily Bible teaching and subscribe to his Daily Hope email devotional at Connect with Rick! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Podcast:

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Transformed: Change Your Life By Changing Your Mind with Pastor Rick Warren

Transformed: Change Your Life By Changing Your Mind with Pastor Rick Warren --Learn how to change your life by changing the way you think in this message from our weekend series: 50 Days of Transformation. This series is centered around our Transformed study with Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church. This message will teach you how to change the way you think by the renewing of your mind. God is far more interested in changing your mind than in changing your circumstances. There's a battle for your mind and it's going on every day. Your mind is your greatest asset and satan wants to control your mind. Learn the three daily choices for a healthy mind and find the key to peace and happiness. God didn't bring you here to watch everyone else's life be transformed--Join in at For service times & locations, visit Connect with our online community at Join our community on social:, @Saddleback on Twitter, and @SaddlebackChurch on Instagram

Monday, April 25, 2022

3 Hacks To Beat Loneliness | Joseph Prince

3 Hacks To Beat Loneliness | Joseph Prince

Whether you're single or attached, feeling hopeful or hopeless, we all need God's word to be our guiding light to navigate this messy yet beautiful thing called love. Here's a video we’ve prepared specially for you that will bless you no matter what season you're in. These clips are from: 1. The Cure For Your Lonely Heart (1 Dec 2013) 2. Wisdom For Financial Success (17 Nov 2019) 3. The Friend You Can Always Depend On (12 Feb 2017) — Introducing Playlists by Team JP to our mobile app! Our team has put together the best selection of sermons from our digital sermon library for your specific needs. Whether you’ve just had a bad day, you’re struggling to break out of a rut, or you want to learn about how to pray effective prayers—we have playlists just for you. As you listen to the sermons in these playlists, expect the Lord to paint new visions in your heart to refresh and strengthen you in whatever you’re going through! View our full list of playlists here: Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Find us at:

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Jesus' Broken Body is Your Healing

Look at this pic closely, this is Jesus' intimate, endless love for you.

"By His stripes, you are healed!"

Everytime, I am flagged with physical, temporary symptoms,

I just pause for awhile and imagine Jesus' broken body healing me.

His body was broken so you and I can, who believe can be restored in our

health amazingly so we can live an abundant, sick-free life!

In Jesus' sacrifice, we get all the benefits.

So let's praise Jesus dear Beloveds no matter what.

Everytime, I feel pain in my stomach or body, get a headache

I just let myself drown on this truth and miracles happen.

The pain is gone.

I may now know what or how deep is your circumstance right now,

but I can only assure and tell you that  in Jesus' presence,

there is healing.

IN JESUS' NAME, as I type these words right now..

all sickness, cancers BOW DOWN IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME!

Can I get an Amen?

Be blessed on this article explaining Jesus' broken body and sacrifice.

And may the Holy Spirit touch your heart and will make you jump for joy


Note: This article is in a different language.

You can select ENGLISH on the right hand tab if need to.

God Bless you with Jesus' Shalom, shalom, shalom...

Existe un artículo científico sobre la muerte de Jesús, publicado en 1986 en una de las revistas científicas más prestigiosas del mundo - el JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association.

El artículo está titulado ′′On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ′′ (Sobre la muerte física de Jesucristo).

En él los autores demuestran que el proceso de azotamiento romano era terriblemente cruel. Se describen detalles técnicos, que junto con la narrativa bíblica, proporcionan un panorama completo de todo este proceso, desde el juicio hasta la muerte en la cruz.
Antes del juicio, se narra en Lucas 22 que Jesús estaba en profunda angustia y sudaba sangre. Aunque es un fenómeno raro, los médicos reconocen esta característica como hematidrosis, que puede ocurrir debido a altos niveles de estrés.

Después de ser juzgado, Jesús fue azotado violentamente con un látigo de cuero, con pequeñas bolas de hierro en las puntas y huesos puntiagudos. Las bolas de hierro causaban lesiones internas y los huesos destrozaban la carne, exponiendo la musculatura esquelética y causando gran pérdida de sangre, lo que probablemente lo dejó en un estado de prechoque.
Después de severa flagelación, Jesús fue burlado, escupido y obligado a cargar su propia cruz hasta el Gólgota.

Durante la crucifixión, el acusado era tirado sobre la cruz en el suelo, y clavado con clavos de hasta 18 cm de largo en las muñecas y los pies.
La crucifixión era un proceso que producía intenso dolor y causaba una muerte lenta y sofocante.

Respirar era algo extremadamente doloroso. A cada respiración, Jesús tenía que elevar la espalda en carne viva, arrastrándola en la madera y apoyando todo el peso en los pies, que estaban clavados. Dato que aumentaba la pérdida de sangre y causaba dolor terrible.

Las causas de la muerte por crucifixión podrían ser varias, pero las dos más comunes eran shock hipovolémico y asfixia por agotamiento.
Cuando el evangelio de Juan narra que después de la muerte de Jesús un soldado lo transpasó con la lanza y salió ′′ sangre y agua ", la explicación de los científicos es que el agua probablemente representaba fluido pleural y pericardio seroso y habría precedido al flujo de sangre y tendría menor volumen que la sangre. Tal vez en el escenario de hipovolemia y la insuficiencia cardíaca aguda, los derrames pleurales y pericárdicos podrían haberse desarrollado y haber sido añadidos al volumen de agua aparente.

Solo analizando el sufrimiento físico de Jesús, nos damos cuenta de lo terrible que debe haber sido soportar todo esto.
Estrés intenso, noche sin dormir, un juicio injusto, azotamiento inhumano, burlado y todavía tener que cargar su propio instrumento de muerte.

¡Pero aún MÁS!

Lo que ′′pesó ′′ sobre sus hombros fueron nuestros pecados. Isaías profetizó:
“Pero fue herido por nuestras transgresiones, y molido por nuestras iniquidades; el castigo que nos trae la paz estaba sobre él, y por sus pisaduras fuimos sanados.”
|Isaías 53:5|

Él fue el sacrificio. El cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo.
Solo el Dios que se hizo hombre podría reconciliar a los hombres con Dios.
Por eso decimos que el sacrificio fue por amor, pues Él no tenía pecado, nosotros sí. Si el pecado genera la muerte, quienes debimos morir eramos nosotros, no Él.
Así que toda tu podredumbre, todos tus malos pensamientos y acciones, toda tu revuelta contra Dios... todo esto estaba sobre los hombros Cristo.
¡Y él venció no sólo el pecado, sino también la muerte!

Cuando creas que tu vida es demasiado difícil, que nada funciona, mira esta foto y recuerda todo lo que Jesús pasó por amor a ti. El castigo que nos trae la paz estaba sobre ÉL.



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