
Thursday, June 1, 2017

#JesusCalling - Don’t Look for Unnecessary Trouble

Don’t Look for Unnecessary Trouble

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless.

—Psalm 18:30

I am involved in each moment of your life. I have carefully mapped out every inch of your journey through this day. But because there is sin in the world, things will sometimes get messy. There will be trouble. But trust that I have already planned a perfect way for you to get through your problems.

And while you must face some trouble, don’t add to your problems by forgetting to let Me guide you. I will lead you around some of the trouble that you see up ahead. Remember that I am with you every second. Let the Light of My Presence show you the way to go—giving you Peace and Joy that trouble can’t take away from you.

Isaiah 41:13


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

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