Thursday, October 29, 2015

Health Through The Oil, Bread and Wine

Ameeen to this!
I will be sharing soon on how we partake the Holy Communion in our church dear friends. So be ready.
Also, will be sharing on how to sanctify an olive oil so you can use it anytime, anywhere. ♥️
Meanwhile be blessed in today's devotional from Joseph Prince.

The Lord will answer and say to His people, “Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil, and you will be satisfied by them…
Joel 2:19

Health Through The Oil, Bread And Wine by Joseph Princeo

A brother from New Zealand shared an amazing healing testimony with me. After undergoing two surgeries, he was diagnosed with grade eight prostate cancer and given a grim report by his specialist.

A couple, who were elders from his church, anointed him with oil and prayed over him. He felt God’s power go through him. Following this, his wife would anoint him every night with a bottle of oil, and they would pray and take the Holy Communion together. His symptoms started to disappear and he began to feel so much better. At his next checkup, his specialist was amazed. She proclaimed his blood test report ‘‘fantastic” because it showed all indicators in the normal range!

Beloved, the oil, bread and wine represent Jesus’ finished work at the cross. Jesus provided His own body to be punished for the healing of your diseases and afflictions. Rest in the reality that by His stripes you are healed!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Promise Of The Father by Joseph Prince

Read on and you will be blessed...♥️♥️♥️♥️

The Promise Of The Father

Acts 1:8
8But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told His disciples to “wait for the Promise of the Father”. (Acts 1:4) There are thousands of promises in the Bible, so which promise was He referring to?

The early church knew which promise Jesus was referring to because He had told His disciples, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the Promise of the Father, which you have heard Me speak about. For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” (Acts 1:4–5) Jesus was referring to the baptism in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. (Acts 2:1–4)

Jesus wants you to know the value of the Promise of the Father because He said, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me...” He did not say, “You shall do witnessing,” but “You shall be witnesses”. In other words, your very person will be a witness to Him!

This is because the power you receive when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit is the same power that so anointed Peter that the sick were laid on the streets for his shadow to fall on them and heal them. (Acts 5:15) Even handkerchiefs and aprons from Paul’s body were so saturated with the anointing of the Spirit that when they touched the sick, people witnessed diseases and evil spirits leaving the sick! (Acts 19:12)

That same power caused a Holy Spirit-baptized church member, who prayed in tongues, to experience God’s healing power when he laid hands on his mother who was in an advanced stage of cancer. And because she was healed, she became a witness of the love and power of God to her friends and unbelieving relatives.

Beloved, when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you will be a witness to others that no problem, trial, disease or sickness is a match for the power of the Spirit in you!

Ask Jesus What's Your Purpose

You see, we can all get soooo busy. We need to do this, do that, etc.

Like anyone else who can relate to me, yes! I have spent most of my entire life, just that: Being busy.
But as I reached the end of my rope. I felt there's one thing that's lacking. Although I already felt fulfilled cuz I was busy. But none of those things have really made me happy or complete.
So one day, I prayed. I said,"Lord, please don't make me so busy in this world that I forget the real meaning of life .Lead me to my purpose and how you want me to be. I don't want to leave this earth having lots of questions in mind with full of regrets. Amen!"

Forward to this day...
I feel I'm on my way. It's awesome to know that Jesus, indeed is leading me the way.
And yes, His answer to my prayer is this....PSALM 23...

Will talk more about Psalm 23 on my next blogs.

For now, if you are tired of being busy too just like me ...just talk to Jesus and ask Him for your purpose. He listens. And surely, will show you the way.

Now, let me leave you this beautiful Christian quote that truly
speaks what's in my heart.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

God Is Behind Your Increase By Joseph Prince

God Is Behind Your Increase
By Joseph Prince

1 Corinthians 3:7
7So then neither he who plants is anything,nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

Sometimes, we think that the increase or success which we enjoy is the result of our own efforts or hard work. Now, I am not advocating laziness, but the truth is that God is the one behind our increase.

We see this truth when we read the story of Ruth, a young widow from Moab, who worked as a gleaner in a barley field from morning till evening. Now, we could attribute the entire ephah — a substantial 10-day supply — of barley she collected at the end of the day to her hard work. After all, she did work all day in the field.

But when we read about how Boaz, the owner of the field, had secretly told his reapers to “let grain from the bundles fall purposely for her; leave it that she may glean” (Ruth 2:16), we know that it was because of Boaz’s intervention that Ruth ended up with so much.

I believe that Jesus, our heavenly Boaz, does the same thing for us today. He causes people to favor us and “drop” blessings on us because He loves us. Then, He causes us to “pick up” these blessings. Often, it happens so seemingly naturally we forget that it is the Lord who has blessed us with the increases.

A church member who runs a florist business shared that once, God caused someone who needed a lot of flowers to “drop” a huge order with her. She also shared that she was hardly making any money even though she had been working hard for many years. But when she became a Christian after coming to our church, she began to confess every day that God’s favor was on her. Within a few weeks, that big order worth S$14,000 came in. Only God could have given her such a supernatural increase.

My friend, your hard work is not behind your increase. The Bible tells us that it is “God who gives the increase”. He is the one who is behind your increase and He delights in blessing you because He loves you!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Jesus Gives You Rest By Joseph Prince

...Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28, NLT

Jesus Gives You Rest
By Joseph Prince

You don’t need to be a Bible scholar or theologian to understand rest. You just need to be someone who knows Jesus, because it is Jesus who gives you rest!

My friend, perhaps you’re dealing with a challenging physical condition in your body today. And if you are weary, confused and tired because of all your efforts to get healed, just go to Him right now and tell Him, “Jesus, I’m so tired and confused. I’m scared too. Please hold me in Your arms and give me rest.”

You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. You can just cry in His presence. Beloved, He already knows all that you are going through. And the One who bottles your tears will surely rest you and give you peace. He will lift you up and strengthen you until you are full of His shalom-peace—inside and out!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Unconditional Love That Heals By Joseph Prince

...great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.
Matthew 12:15

Unconditional Love That Heals
By Joseph Prince

It didn’t matter who they were or what kinds of past these people had. As long as they sought Him for healing, Jesus healed them gladly and graciously. He never asked them what they had done or not done, or if they had repented. He never asked them to sign a pledge to follow Him and never told anyone that He would not heal them because they deserved to be sick.

Surely, none of them were perfect in their thought life or behavior. Surely, there were some who came to Him without strong faith. Yet, all this didn’t matter to Jesus. All that mattered to Him was that they had been suffering and needed to be set free.

Beloved, see this compassionate Savior when you come to Him for healing. He puts no demands and no conditions on you. He simply wants to heal you and set you free!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Laughing at Troubles

Thank You for the reminder Lord.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
—Proverbs 31:25

Learn to laugh at yourself and at the world. Instead of getting bogged down in the mud of worry and fear, laugh and be happy because I am by your side. Just as parents delight in the laughter of their children, so I delight in hearing you laugh. I feel happy when you trust Me enough to enjoy your life.

Don’t let worrying over troubles—especially things that haven’t even happened yet—keep you from laughing. Live each day to its fullest by being full of My Joy. That doesn’t mean you won’t ever have any problems. It doesn’t mean you won’t ever be sad.

But it does mean that when troubles come, you can still have Joy because the Creator of the universe is right there beside you— helping you with your problems.

So learn to laugh at your troubles . . . and you’ll find that they aren’t nearly so troublesome.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Price Has Been Paid!

He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.

1 John 2:2, NLT

The Price Has Been Paid!

When guilt and condemnation weigh heavily on their conscience, many feel the need to pay for their sins. To appease the sense that they have failed, they punish themselves by mentally berating themselves repeatedly for their failings, and some even go so far as to cause injury or harm to their own bodies. And when things don’t work out in their studies, work or relationships, they tell themselves that they deserve the negative outcome. They don’t feel that they deserve to succeed in what they do.

My friend, the answer to our consciousness of guilt, failure or inadequacy is the cross. The cross declares, “Jesus, the sinless, spotless, beloved Son of God, died in your place. There is your punishment! He was pierced. He was cut. He was wounded for your transgressions. He was crushed so that you don’t have to be crushed. He died young so that you don’t have to die young!”

Our conscience is satisfied when we look at the cross and see Jesus Christ hanging there, suspended between heaven and earth. He who knew no sin became our sin, and He bore the fullness of God’s holy and righteous indignation in His very own person on our behalf.

When we look to the cross and realize, “There is my punishment. There is my death,” our conscience says, “Peace. It’s paid.” We don’t have to wound ourselves. We don’t have to beat ourselves. Jesus suffered it all for us so that we can have His every blessing and reign in life. He alone is the sacrifice that atones for all our sins. Hallelujah!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

You Can't Earn Jesus' Blessings

You Can’t Earn My Blessings

My cup overflows with blessings.
—Psalm 23:5 (NLT)

This is a time of plenty in your life. Your cup overflows with blessings. Enjoy this time—it is My gift to you.

Don’t feel guilty when everything is going well. Don’t turn away from My blessings because you think you don’t deserve to be so blessed. That is nonsense. The truth is that no one deserves anything from Me. My kingdom is not about earning blessings. And life with Me is not some sort of game in which you earn points to buy prizes. Good behavior doesn’t buy blessings.

Instead of trying to work for My blessings, I want you to receive them thankfully. I give you good gifts because I love to see your joy when you receive them. So open your hands and your heart, and accept My blessings gratefully. This brings Joy to you and to Me!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Good Success Is In Your Mouth by Joseph Prince

Well, one can be successful in so many ways... But me? I will have good success because of what Jesus has done at the cross. Because of Jesus, I am super rich !


Good Success Is In Your Mouth
By Joseph Prince

Joshua 1:8
8This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night… For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

I had always wondered why the Torah (the first five books of Moses) is read out loud by the Jews. Then, a Jewish Christian told me that for generations, they read God’s Word out loud because of Joshua 1:8 — “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night…”

The word “meditate” in English means to ponder. But in Hebrew, it is the word hagah, which means to utter or mutter under your breath. In other words, when you meditate on God’s Word, you speak forth or confess His Word instead of just giving it mental assent.

My friend, hagah God’s Word by confessing verses in the areas that you are believing God for breakthroughs. When I was working in sales, I confessed verses like, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty…” (Proverbs 3:9–10) In the first year, I became the top salesman in my company! My way was made prosperous and I enjoyed good success.

“Pastor Prince, I am waiting for God to make my way prosperous.”

No, the Bible says that you will make your way prosperous when you hagah God’s Word. So speak forth verses in the areas which you want to see breakthroughs and you will have good success.

Some people have success that destroys them — you don’t see them in church anymore and their family members don’t get to see them either. That is bad success. But when you hagah God’s Word, you will have good success that does not destroy you.

Now, confessing God’s Word does not move God to do things for you. It is not a formula. God had already moved when He gave up Jesus to die for you. However, when you confess His Word, it moves you from a position of doubt to faith. It moves your heart from a position of “Is it true?” to “I believe it!” When that happens, “you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

When God Blesses You

Yes....Lord I'm listening....

Saturday, October 25, 2014

How To Deal With Your Problems

How to deal with your problems?

Say this,
"problem, you are nothing because I have Jesus in me.
I reject you in Jesus' mighty name! Get out from life!
Because JESUS is Lord!!!!"


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Come Closer To Jesus

Even in the midst of your pain, sorrow, frustrations in life,
the best thing you could do is to come closer to Jesus. That's the ultimate divine medicine.

Yes. Come to Him.
He is your miracle to your current situation.

Do You Feel It?

You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.
—Psalm 16:11 (CEV)

As you decide to come close to Me, the Light of My Presence shines brightly upon you. Do you feel it? It’s that warm feeling when you know you’ve done something that makes Me smile. It’s that Peace in your heart when you’ve poured out all your sorrows to Me. It’s that bubbling-over Joy that fills your voice when you sing My praises. It’s that perfect Love I always have for you— even when you mess up.

This is one of those wonderful things about Me—the closer you get to Me, the closer I draw you to Me . . . which brings Me closer to you . . . and on and on and on.

Do you feel that Joy? Open your heart to Me—and receive even more joy!


Source: Jesus Calling For Kids iphone/ipad app
By Sarah Young

Monday, October 20, 2014

Dear God...

Thank You for the internet,

Now I can praise you anytime, anywhere and even when I'm blogging for You.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Just Believe in Jesus

Just Believe in Jesus as your healer, restorer, provider and protector.

He is the ultimate miracle that you've been waiting and longed for.

Jesus is Healthy…and so Are You

Everytime I am attacked with an unknown pain,

I would think that anything really,could happen to me.

I don't know what's going on inside my body, that's why. Only Jesus does.

So what do I do?

I just meditate on this verse..


Jesus while on earth was healthy.


try it…God's word is MORE powerful than your negative thoughts.

Embrace His healing today. You deserve it.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Do Not Fear - Jesus

If the doctor gives up on not fear!

Because God won't!

Jesus is your healer...He is the Alpha and Omega...

He has the last word to your situation.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

It Shall Not Come Near You! by Joseph Prince

It Shall Not Come Near You! by Joseph Prince

Psalm 91:7
7 A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.

Your doctor or insurance agent may ask you, “Do you have a family history of cancer?” If you say, “Yes,” they will probably tell you that you might get some form of cancer too.

Now, if you are without God, you would probably agree with them and start worrying about your health. But you are not without God! In fact, His Word tells you, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” Therefore, even if you have a family history of cancer, and your family members have died of cancer, you can have the confidence to declare that it will not come near you!

My mother had this attitude. After a thorough medical check-up, the doctor was surprised and told her that she did not have high blood pressure or heart disease, although these two conditions have plagued her father and siblings. You see, my mother had already firmly declared that no deadly, family-related disease would come near her.

Praise God for my mother’s trust in God’s Word because I am the generation after her! In fact, after my mother told me about the results of her check-up, I randomly opened my Bible only to read about Rahab the harlot who by faith “did not perish with those who did not believe”. (Hebrews 11:31)

Beloved, God wants you to know that even though you are in this world, you are not of this world. You belong to Him. You don’t have to get caught in dire situations along with the people of the world. Because God is on your side, “He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence”. (Psalm 91:3)

Even when it comes to generational diseases, you can boldly declare, “That disease stops here!” because you have God and His Word. And when you believe God and His Word, you will see His promises come to pass for you — “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you”!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, September 12, 2014

You and Jesus Together

This is one of my secrets in dealing with stress or any problem.

"I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me. "

because tough things in this world is so complicated to deal with. The next thing you know, you are down on your bed weeping and crying, depressed if you let yourself deal with all these alone.

You cannot do it alone!

You need Jesus to battle those stressful stuff for you. Because He is not just a savior of your soul.
He is also a savior from anything that bothers you. He saves you from all negatives things that could happen in your life. Yes. I say "ALL THINGS"!

So be bold in using this verse.

Say it while sighing.

"I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me."

Say it 2x, 3x , 4x a hundred times until you are at peace.

It works!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Forgo Flattery, Exalt Jesus By Joseph Prince

You are my God, and I will praise You; You are my God, I will exalt You.
Psalm 118:28

Forgo Flattery, Exalt Jesus
By Joseph Prince

When the apostle Paul and Silas were in Philippi, a certain slave girl possessed with a demonic spirit of divination met them. She was a fortune-teller who brought good profits to her masters. This girl followed Paul and Silas wherever they went, crying out, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation” (Acts 16:17). And she did this for many days.

Now, let me ask you, was there anything wrong with what she said? She was telling the truth, wasn’t she? Paul and Silas were indeed servants of the Most High God, and they were proclaiming the way of salvation. But I want you to see this: For many days, the girl kept saying, “These men are…These men are…These men are…” And this greatly annoyed Paul, so much so that he cast the demon out of her (Acts 16:18). Why was Paul so annoyed? Because the girl was constantly putting the spotlight on him and Silas. The devil always wants us to put our attention on man, instead of God!

My friend, if you are the sort who gets flattered easily, people can control you. All they have to do is say some nice things about you and you are influenced into doing whatever they want you to do. But when you are passionate for the glory of Jesus, you can’t be swayed by the praises of man. You want only Jesus to get all the glory.

So always point people to Jesus. He alone deserves all the glory. You’ll never be shortchanged, my friend, when you do this—God will take care of those who exalt His Son!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Anger Management By Joseph Prince

Meditate On

“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.
Ephesians 4:26–27

Anger Management
By Joseph Prince

When you encounter someone who is nasty to you, how do you normally react? Many of us tend to get angry, and if we really lose our cool, we end up saying or doing things we regret later.

My friend, the Bible says, “Be angry, and do not sin.” It’s not a sin to feel anger, but don’t allow that anger to cause you to sin. And don’t give place to the devil by letting that anger take root in your heart.

“How do I do that Pastor Prince?”

Focus your attention on how much God loves you!

Once, I was walking to my car and I saw a man walking in front of me with his wife. His car was parked next to mine. When he opened his car door, he did it with such force that it hit my car with a loud “thud!” Then, he glared at me as if I had wronged him. Without a word of apology, he got into his car and slammed the door. His wife quickly went into the car like a meek little lamb.

I was on my way to church, full of the Holy Ghost, ready to preach on God’s love. But now, I was angry! I sat in my car, nostrils flaring. I said, “Lord, I am angry!” The Lord said to me, “Do you know that I love that man?” I said, “Yeah, but I don’t want to know about it right now, Lord.” The Lord then told me that the reason that man behaved that way was that he really did not know how much He loved him. So he was grouchy. He was angry. He was bitter toward life.

“Now, you experienced it only once,” the Lord said, “Imagine living with him like his wife does.” Then, He said, “Son, do you know that I love you? You are blessed because compared to him, you know how much I love you.” As I focused on God’s love for me, my anger melted away.

Beloved, in moments of anger, the devil wants you to focus on what the other person has done to you. But God wants you to focus on what He has done for you at Calvary. Today, feed on His love for you, and let Him turn every bitter situation sweet!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

It's In The Bible

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 20:4

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Life With God Is Easy And Light By Joseph Prince

Life With God Is Easy And Light
By Joseph Prince

Matthew 11:28
28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

It always warms my heart to know that Jesus sees the cares we carry in our hearts. He knows the worries you have for your family and for the future. He feels the heaviness in your heart as you struggle with the sickness in your body. He says to you, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Jesus wants to give you rest. And He says that the way you receive rest is to be yoked with Him, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:29–30)

What does it mean to be yoked with Jesus? Imagine a pair of oxen yoked together. The younger ox sees what the lead ox does and follows. If the lead ox turns left, the younger ox turns left. If the lead ox stops, the younger ox stops. When the lead ox starts moving again, the younger ox follows. Likewise, Jesus wants us to follow His leading and flow with Him.

It is not hard to flow with Jesus because He will not lay anything heavy on you — “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30) When you are yoked with Him and you flow with Him, you will find that there is nothing heavy-hearted, ill-fitting or burdensome from the Lord. When you flow with the Lord, you will find that things fall into place. You will not be weighed down, anxious or distressed.

You might say, “But Pastor Prince, God has given me this heavy burden. It is weighing heavily on my heart!”

My friend, if the burden is heavy, it is not from God because Jesus said that His burden is light. The devil has probably given you the burden to crush you!

“Oh, Pastor Prince, you are making light of how serious my burden is.”

No, I am not. Jesus did say that His burden is light and His yoke easy. So a life yoked with Him is anxiety- and worry-free.

Beloved, follow His leading and flow with Him, and you will find rest for your soul!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Be The Blessed Man By Joseph Prince

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7–8

Be The Blessed Man
By Joseph Prince

Who wouldn’t want to be the blessed man described in Jeremiah 17?

In both good and bad times, the blessed man thrives and reigns. He is like a tree planted by the waters, with its roots spread out by the river. When the heat is on—when the competition heats up or when there is a financial drought—he doesn’t fear or worry. His “leaves” remain green, in other words, he stays young and fresh. And he continues to be fruitful—always succeeding and seeing the desired results, whether in his business, career, family life or ministry!

How do you enjoy the blessings of the blessed man? You look not to man but to Jesus alone. Looking to Jesus is to meditate on His Word, His unmerited favor and His gift of righteousness. Begin to truly put your trust and hope in Jesus, instead of in your own strength or other people. Then, get ready to thrive and be bountifully fruitful whether times are good or bad!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Let The Holy Spirit Intercede For You by Joseph Prince

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.
Romans 8:26–28, NLT

Let The Holy Spirit Intercede For You by Joseph Prince

Sometimes, when our healing is not forthcoming, we just don’t know what else to pray. We’ve prayed from every angle we know how, using all the scriptures we know of, and yet, there doesn’t seem to be any breakthroughs.

I want you to know that God has given us a weapon that will break down every barrier. It’s praying in tongues. When you don’t know what to pray, pray in the Holy Spirit and allow Him to intercede for you. He knows exactly what the problem is and what the best solution is. He will not just plead for you in harmony with God’s will, but He will also rest your weary soul (Isaiah 28:11–12)!

My friend, allow the Holy Spirit to intercede for you, and see God cause everything to work together for the good of your body and health!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

How To Beat Negative Thoughts

Filter it out with FAITH.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Journey

The Journey

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.
—Psalm 37:23–24 (NLT)

We are on a wonderful journey together. Though our ultimate goal is heaven, there are lots of adventures all along the way.

There are high points, such as helping a friend learn about Me. There are low points when you struggle with your own questions and doubts. There are crazy twists and turns when things in the world distract you and tempt you. Sometimes the scenery around you is beautiful—and you see Me work in amazing ways. Sometimes the scenery is frightening—like when you must stand alone for what is right. But no matter what part of the journey you are on, I am right there with you.

In good times, we leap up to the mountaintops. In difficult times, I hold your hand and keep you from falling. But at all times, I am beside you as we go along the path of Life.

Jesus Calling For Kids App
By Sarah Young

Friday, July 11, 2014

Down But Not Out by Joseph Prince

Down But Not Out by Joseph Prince

2 Corinthians 4:8–9
8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed…

Before you were a Christian, when something sad or bad happened to you, you cried until you had no more tears left. Your heart simply broke into pieces, and you felt trapped, depressed and totally defeated.

But after having become a Christian, when something bad happens to you, you may still cry, but you feel comforted inside. You are sad outwardly, but your heart isn’t heavy. You don’t understand why, but deep down inside you, there is something lifting you up. That something buoyant, which is rising from the inside of you, is the life of Christ in you!

You cannot be completely distressed because Christ in you is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) who says to you, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Yes, it may be a bad situation and you are in a tight spot, but Christ in you is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), and He says to you, “It will all be all right. I will provide a way out for you.”

You know you are not defeated because Christ in you is your victory (1 Corinthians 15:57) and He says to you, “You are not fighting for victory, but fighting from victory because you already have the victory in Me.”

Before you knew Christ, when you were down, you were out. But now, when you are down, you are not out because Christ in you is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) “Hope” in the Bible means a definite, positive expectation of good.

So Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of a glorious marriage! Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of a glorious family! Christ in you is the definite positive expectation of glorious health! Christ in you is the definite positive expectation of a glorious life!

My friend, Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of all the glories of God revealed to you. No bad circumstance that you are in can or will ever cause you to be destroyed or forsaken by God!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Remain Seated With Christ by Joseph Prince

Are you suffering from any disease??

Don't give up, because JESUS is your healer!!

Be blessed!

The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
Matthew 22:44

Remain Seated With Christ

In some ancient battles, the conquered would be placed one by one under the feet of the victorious king. Likewise, in God’s kingdom, Jesus has defeated all His enemies at Calvary, and God is now placing every one of them under His feet, the last being death.

The Bible says that we are seated with Christ—a position of rest. And as you rest with Christ, God will place every one of your enemies—every symptom, every disease—under your feet!

Many of us want our symptoms and illnesses to be under our feet first, before we will rest. But God wants us to rest first, and then He will place every disease under our feet!

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

That's My Awesome God!!!

Jesus Quote of the Day

The Spirit’s Rest And Refreshing by Joseph Prince

Meditate On

For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, to whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” and, “This is the refreshing”…
Isaiah 28:11–12

The Spirit’s Rest And Refreshing

You’ve probably heard of the term “R&R”. It’s commonly used in the military and it means “rest and relaxation” after some exhausting overseas training or mission. Doctors also order “rest and rehabilitation” for the injured and sick.

My friend, God has an R&R for you too. It’s called “the rest and the refreshing”, and it comes through praying in the Holy Spirit or tongues.

One of the best ways to rest and be refreshed, especially when you are worried, fatigued or just waiting for the manifestation of your healing, is to pray in the Holy Spirit.

Beloved, give yourself some time every day to pray in the Spirit, and allow Him to rejuvenate and refresh you supernaturally!

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Unconditional Love That Heals by Joseph Prince

…great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.
Matthew 12:15
Unconditional Love That Heals by Joseph Prince

It didn’t matter who they were or what kinds of past these people had. As long as they sought Him for healing, Jesus healed them gladly and graciously. He never asked them what they had done or not done, or if they had repented. He never asked them to sign a pledge to follow Him and never told anyone that He would not heal them because they deserved to be sick.

Surely, none of them were perfect in their thought life or behavior. Surely, there were some who came to Him without strong faith. Yet, all this didn’t matter to Jesus. All that mattered to Him was that they had been suffering and needed to be set free.

Beloved, see this compassionate Savior when you come to Him for healing. He puts no demands and no conditions on you. He simply wants to heal you and set you free!

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Release The Power In You! By Joseph Prince

Release The Power In You!
By Joseph Prince

Ephesians 3:20
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

How much power is working in you right now? God’s Word says that there is “power that works in us”. It is a tremendous power that shakes the heavens and the earth because it comes from the throne of God, “who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think”! The problem, however, is that many of us don’t release that power.

God wants us to release that power because there are things that will not happen on earth until we do so. Jesus said that “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”. (Matthew 16:19) What Jesus is saying is that what you permit to happen, heaven will permit. What you disallow, heaven will disallow!

So how do we release God’s power in us? One way is to pray in tongues. When we allow His Spirit to make intercession for us (Romans 8:26), miracles happen.

Some time ago, the aunt of a church member underwent surgery to remove a diseased kidney. In spite of the surgery, the prognosis was poor. At home, the church member and his wife were prompted by the Spirit to release the power that works in them by praying in tongues for their aunt.

Back at the hospital, the aunt underwent further observation. When an Xray of her abdominal area was taken, the doctor was shocked to find two healthy kidneys. Five other doctors were consulted who subsequently examined the aunt. At first, they thought that the surgeon who had performed the operation had made a mistake and did not remove the diseased kidney. But further investigation showed that the kidney had indeed been removed. They could not explain what had happened.

But the church member and his wife needed no explanation because they knew that when they released the power that worked in them, God did exceedingly abundantly above all that they could ask or think — He gave their aunt a new kidney.

Beloved, He can do the same for you when you pray in the Spirit and release the power that works in you!

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Friday, June 6, 2014

See Your Enemies Flee Because Of Jesus by Joseph Prince

I love devotionals that talk about how powerful Jesus is! Thank you Joseph Prince for your ministry! I have an awesome life right now because of Jesus!

Enjoy today's devotional from Joseph Prince my friend. :)

Have a lovely Saturday!

See Your Enemies Flee Because Of Jesus by Joseph Prince

Deuteronomy 28:7
7 “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

Some people think that Jesus and the devil are always confronting and fighting each other. But when I read my Bible, I don’t see fights between the two. What I see is the devil having to flee whenever he encounters Jesus!

Consider the demoniac from the country of the Gadarenes in Luke 8:26–39. The demons in the man begged Jesus not to torment them or send them into the abyss, but to permit them to enter a herd of swine nearby.

You see, neither the devil nor his demons can stand before Jesus. They may be able to torment people for a while, but when Jesus comes on the scene, they know that that is the end of their stay. They will have to flee! All it took was just one word from Jesus, and the entire legion of demons had to come out of the man and flee into the swine.

As a child of God, you exude a spiritual fragrance which evil spirits can detect and which causes them to tremble. It is the life of Jesus inside you. And He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4) That is why no curse, spell, accusation, scandal or destruction planned against you can succeed. Your enemies may come against you one way, but the Lord will confuse them and cause them to flee before you seven ways!

Jesus paid with His life to give you this victory over your enemies. After His arrest in the garden of Gethsemane, the Jews and Gentiles were united for the first time with one common objective: Torture Jesus and have Him killed. King Herod of the Jews and Pontius Pilate of the Romans were long-time enemies, but because of Jesus, they became friends. (Luke 23:12)

My friend, Jesus’ enemies were united and had “victory” over Him. But because He triumphed over them through the cross and rose again, today, your enemies will be scattered and you will have victory over them!

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Quote #0026: God is Big Enough

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Continue In God’s Grace by Joseph Prince

Continue In God’s Grace by Joseph Prince

2 Corinthians 3:6
6… for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

To the Jews, the feast of Pentecost is a celebration of the giving of God’s law. It takes place 50 days after the Passover feast. When God gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, it was 50 days after they had celebrated their first Passover and come out of slavery in Egypt.

But what happened after God gave them the law on the first Pentecost? Three thousand people died! (Exodus 32:28) Contrast this with another Pentecost in the New Testament. In the book of Acts, it says that when Pentecost had fully come, God gave not the law but the Holy Spirit, and what happened? Three thousand people got saved (Acts 2:41), which goes to show that “the letter [the law] kills, but the Spirit gives life”!

The law, which was “written and engraved on stones”, ministered death. It killed 3,000 people. That is why the apostle Paul calls it “the ministry of death” and “the ministry of condemnation”. (2 Corinthians 3:7–9) On the other hand, the Spirit ministered life — 3,000 people got saved.

My friend, when you come under the law by trying to keep God’s commandments in order to be blessed, it will lead to death. There will be deadness in your marriage, ministry, health, career… in your life. But when you depend on the Spirit of grace, it will lead to life. You will see breakthroughs and miracles (Galatians 3:5), and manifest the fruit of the Spirit.

So if you want to be blessed, make sure that you are on the right mountain. You see, the law was given on Mount Sinai, but the Spirit on Mount Zion. That is why the Bible says that “you have not come to the mountain [Sinai] that may be touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness and darkness and tempest…But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels”. (Hebrews 12:18, 22) The Lord blesses you out of Zion (Psalm 128:5), and not Sinai!

Beloved, by grace you have been saved through faith. (Ephesians 2:8) Now, continue in the Spirit of grace. Remain on the right mountain and He will continue to supply miracles in your life!

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Joseph Prince - God's Plan To Bless You - 02 Mar 14

God's plan for your life is always for you to be blessed and walking in victory! Join Joseph Prince on an amazing journey of God's goodness as he shows you from Genesis to the Gospels God's grand plan to save, heal, and bless you. Understand why certain biblical events happened the way they did and how God is the master in making all things work for your good. Be encouraged and see your areas of need met as you learn how Jesus is today head over all things for you—His bride, body and church!

God's plan for your life is always for you to be blessed and walking in victory! Join Joseph Prince on an amazing journey of God's goodness as he shows you from Genesis to the Gospels God's grand plan to save, heal, and bless you. Understand why certain biblical events happened the way they did and how God is the master in making all things work for your good. Be encouraged and see your areas of need met as you learn how Jesus is today head over all things for you—His bride, body and church!

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Jesus—Our Greatest Provision By Joseph Prince

This truths are my treasure.

Embrace it and live an abundantly and victorious life with Jesus!!

Blessed Sunday everyone!

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.
Ephesians 1:7
Jesus—Our Greatest Provision
By Joseph Prince

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the finished work of Jesus.

At the cross, Jesus gave of Himself completely and made a provision for the forgiveness of our sins that no one else could. He chose to lay down His life in exchange for ours. All our sins, failures and mistakes are forever washed away by the precious blood shed at Calvary! Truly, in Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, “according to the riches of His grace”.

My friend, the Lord’s grace toward you is bountiful and rich. Today, receive His grace, His forgiveness, His love and His mercy in a fresh and powerful way. It is not material wealth that makes you rich. It is having Jesus—your greatest wealth!

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Jesus Has You Covered by Joseph Prince

Jesus Has You Covered by Joseph Prince

Leviticus 1:4
4 Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.

Imagine the perfection of Jesus covering you from head to toe in the sight of God every moment of the day. Does that sound like a dream? My friend, that is your reality today because Jesus became your burnt offering at the cross.

In the case of the burnt offering, when the offerer lays his hand on the animal sacrifice (Leviticus 1:3–4), the perfection and beauty of the unblemished sacrifice is transferred to him, and God sees and accepts him in the perfection of the animal.

In Hebrew, the word “accepted” implies being treated with favor, delight and acceptance. This means that you, for whom Jesus became a burnt offering, are treated by God with favor, delight and acceptance because the beauty and perfection of Jesus have been transferred to you. As your burnt offering, Jesus has made atonement for you on your behalf.

Jesus is your atonement or covering for sin. How precious Jesus is to the Father is how precious you are to the Father because when the Father sees you, He sees Jesus, your atonement, your covering.

So every day, take Jesus as your burnt offering. Come to God and say, “Father, I thank You that Jesus is my burnt offering. He covers me from head to toe with His righteousness. I thank you Father, that You see me without spot or wrinkle. You see me covered in all the value and perfection of the work of Your Son. What He is to You, I am. Who He is to You, I am. As He is now, so am I. I am in Him!” (1 John 4:17)

Jesus has you covered. You don’t appear before the Father with all your faults and shortcomings. Jesus proclaims to you what is right with you in spite of what is wrong with you because He has covered you with His perfection. Today, hear Him telling you, “Go, girl! I have you covered. There is nothing for you to worry about!” Hear Him saying to

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

See The Real Jesus By Joseph Prince

News about Him spread as far as Syria, and people soon began bringing to Him all who were sick. And whatever their sickness or disease, or if they were demon-possessed or epileptic or paralyzed—He healed them all.
Matthew 4:24, NLT

See The Real Jesus
By Joseph Prince

The Bible tells us that if you want to know what God is like, just look at Jesus. If you want to know how the Father feels about healing the sick, just look at Jesus! Jesus ALWAYS healed the sick who came to Him. The blind, lame, mute, deaf and demon-possessed—He healed them ALL!

Jesus never gave sickness to anybody. You’ll find Jesus healing lepers when He was on earth, but you’ll never find Him calling anyone over and saying to the person, “You are too healthy and good-looking. Receive some leprosy to learn how to be humble!” No, when a leper came to Him, uncertain that Jesus would want to heal him, Jesus, full of compassion, told him firmly, “I am willing. Be healed!”

That’s your Jesus. That is your God. Come confidently to Jesus, the Lord who heals you—today and always (Exodus 15:26)!

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Both Forgiveness And Healing Are Yours by Joseph Prince

But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.
Isaiah 53:5, NLT

Both Forgiveness And Healing Are Yours by Joseph Prince

God loves you so much that He not only caused Jesus to carry your sins, but also your diseases at the cross. Your forgiveness and healing are both part of Jesus’ finished work at Calvary. He was crushed for your sins, and He was also scourged for your healing!

My friend, God has already healed you of all your diseases, afflictions and pains at the cross. You might have heard it taught that healing is a “bonus blessing” because it’s over and on top of salvation. But nothing could be further from the truth. Your salvation, purchased by Jesus at the cross, includes healing.

Today, because of the cross of Jesus, you have the right to complete wholeness, both within and without. Meditate on this powerful truth and receive the healing you are believing Him for!

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Jesus Is Still Jehovah Rapha by Joseph Prince

Jesus Is Still Jehovah Rapha by Joseph Prince

Exodus 15:26
26… I am the Lord who heals you.”

Do you know that the first compound name that the Lord revealed to the Israelites after they came out of Egypt was Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals you? It was as if He was telling them, as they began their new life with Him, that He had already healed them of all the diseases and pains they suffered when they were in bondage in Egypt. Indeed, when He brought them out of Egypt, “there was none feeble among His tribes”. (Psalm 105:37)

Today, just as the Israelites were delivered from their bondage in Egypt and from slavery to Pharaoh, you have also been delivered from the bondage of sin and sickness, and from slavery to the devil, by the blood of the Lamb. And the Lord, who is the same yesterday, today and forever, still says to you, “I am the Lord who heals you.”

A church member, who was experiencing pain in her womb for several months, looked to Jesus as her healer even as she went to see a doctor, who performed an ultrasound scan on her womb. When told that she had two big tumors and several blood cysts in her womb, she continued to look to Jesus as her healer. The doctor then had her blood tested to see if the tumors were cancerous.

Three days later, she saw the doctor again and was told that the tumors were not cancerous. Not only that, but a second ultrasound scan also showed that all the cysts and one of the tumors had completely disappeared! The other tumor had also shrunk. Although she had taken medication, the doctor told her that based on the original size of the tumor, it should have taken months to shrink that much. He commented that this was the quickest healing he had ever seen!

Beloved, if the doctor has given you a bad report regarding your health, don’t despair. Look to Jesus and expect healing for your body. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is still Jehovah Rapha — the Lord who heals you!

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

See The Work Accomplished by Joseph Prince

See The Work Accomplished by Joseph Prince

John 19:30
30So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

What do you see when it comes to healing for your sick body, restoration for your failing marriage or breakthroughs for your financial woes? Do you see a finished work or a work that is yet to be completed?

God wants you to know that what you desperately need Him to do for you has already been done! Jesus’ finished work at the cross so satisfied the Father’s heart that from heaven’s throne came the pronouncement, “It is done!” (Revelation 16:17) in response to Jesus’ cry, “It is finished!” on earth. So God wants you to have this revelation that whatever you need Him to do for you has already been done because Jesus has accomplished it all for you.

If you need healing, know that your healing has been accomplished. If you need restoration for your marriage, know that your restoration has been accomplished. You are not going to die from any lack — you have been abundantly supplied. All these things have been accomplished, not by you, but by Christ alone!

My friend, if you are bothered by a pain in your body, God wants you to see your healing finished or accomplished for you by His Son’s death on the cross. If it is a loss or debt you face, or a certain sin that you are struggling with, believe that your provision, restoration and deliverance have been accomplished for you.

Don’t worry about what you see or feel, or the presence of contradicting reports. These are lying symptoms and though they may seem very real, they are temporal and not the truth. God’s Word is the truth and it will remain because it is eternal. And when you believe that only what God’s Word says about your situation is the truth, all the lying symptoms will eventually have to line up with His Word.

God the Son says, “It is finished!”

God the Father says, “It is done!”

What do you say?

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Come To Jesus for Healing and Restoration

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
Psalm 107:1
Simply See Jesus’ Goodness In The Word
I was down with a nasty fever once. I sought the Lord and He told me to simply read about His healing miracles in the Gospels. He even told me not to get caught up in doctrine but to just focus on His grace, compassion and willingness to heal the sick.

Delving into the scriptures, I soon found myself in the presence of my healer and life-giver. I bathed in His love for me and just saw His goodness and willingness to heal me, as I read about how He healed every person who came to Him for healing. It wasn’t long before the fever left.

Beloved, without spiritual gymnastics, but simply by seeing Jesus and His grace in the scriptures, you can be transformed into His likeness—which includes having his resurrection life—unconsciously and effortlessly!

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Friday, May 24, 2013

What Jesus Puts In Your Heart By Joseph Prince

For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13

Do What He Puts On Your Heart

God has made it so easy for us in the new covenant to be directed by His wisdom and love. We no longer have to run to prophets to find out His will for us. He Himself leads us! For those of you who want to serve the Lord, but don’t know where to start, just ask yourself what is in your heart. If you have a desire to work among children, then do so. As a new covenant believer, that’s how your Father leads you. He puts His laws in your mind and writes them on your heart!

Perhaps you feel a prompting to bless someone financially, even though the person looks prosperous. Follow that prompting because today, God speaks to you directly and He has made it easy for you to know His will through His promptings in your heart. We all know how looks can be deceiving. For example, many con artists believe that church folks are gullible. Therefore, they dress down with a well-rehearsed sob story so as to move you to give to them. On the other hand, there are noble people who dress up on Sundays to honor the occasion, but they may be in dire straits financially. Hence, we need to follow the promptings of our hearts and not the sight of our eyes.

So when you feel a desire to do something good for someone, do it, knowing that you have a brand-new heart that hears God, and that it is God who works in you both the willingness and the ability to do it!

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Perfect Sacrifice, Perfect Forgiveness by Joseph Prince

Meditate On

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses.
Colossians 2:13

Perfect Sacrifice, Perfect Forgiveness

God’s unmerited favor can propel you forward in your career even if you’re not the most qualified or experienced. But how can you be sure that you have God’s unmerited favor if you are not even sure if God has forgiven you of all your sins?

Beloved, I want you to know that your sins are forgiven not according to the riches of your good works, but according to the riches of God’s grace (unmerited favor). All your sins—past, present and future—have been forgiven. Colossians 2:13 states clearly that we have been forgiven of all our sins.

The high priests in the old covenant had to offer sacrifices for sins daily. But Jesus, our perfect new covenant High Priest, offered the complete, perfect sacrifice “once for all when He offered up Himself” (Hebrews 7:27). We have been forgiven once and for all!

Now that you know that your sin debt has been completely cleared and settled by Jesus on your behalf, expect to experience God’s unmerited favor daily. Thank Him for it every day and begin to walk in good success in every area of your life!

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Monday, May 6, 2013

The Mind Of Christ Doesn’t Grow Old by Joseph Prince

The Mind Of Christ Doesn’t Grow Old by Joseph Prince

1 Corinthians 2:16
16... we have the mind of Christ.

“Oh dear, my memory is not as good as it used to be. I must be getting old.” Have you heard that before? Maybe you have even said it yourself a couple of times! But who says that as you grow older, you are supposed to forget things?

When the late Reverend Kenneth E Hagin was in his eighties, he was still healthy and strong. This amazing man of God would run around the platform as he preached. And those who have heard him preach would tell you that he had an amazing memory with which he could recall specific details such as the day of the week that a specific date fell on and even the time. Even at that age, the man’s memory was superb!

He once shared how he had started to forget things when he was in his fifties. He had read a medical journal which said that every day millions of cells in our brains die. He didn’t realize it, but those words got into his spirit and he started to forget things.

So he asked the Lord, “What is happening to me?” And the Lord said, “You read that article and you believed it.” He repented and asked the Lord what he should do. The Lord said, “Confess My Word. My Word says that you have the mind of Christ, and the mind of Christ never forgets.” He started to confess that he had the mind of Christ and that was how his memory remained sharp for the rest of his life.

My friend, the Word of God says that you have the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ is not old, slow or forgetful! I don’t care how old you get. You don’t have to become forgetful. Don’t believe and confess what medical science or your friends say. Believe and confess the Word of God which brings life.

The power of life and death is in your tongue. (Proverbs 18:21) So use your tongue for life. Don’t sit around saying, “I am getting old and forgetful.” Say, “I have the mind of Christ. My mind is sharp and quick because it is the mind of Christ!” Believe it, confess it, and see your thinking and memory live up to it!

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Jesus Is Willing, Be Healed! By Joseph Prince

Jesus Is Willing, Be Healed!
By Joseph Prince

Matthew 8:3
3Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.”...

Do you know that it is God’s will for you to be healed? In fact, Jesus always healed the sick who came to Him. The blind, lame, maimed, mute, deaf and demon-possessed — He healed them all! (Matthew 8:16)

The Bible says that he who has seen Jesus has seen the Father. (John 14:9) You want to see what God is like? Look at Jesus! He never gave sickness to anybody. You never find Jesus looking at a person, a fine specimen of a man, and saying, “Come here. You are too healthy. Receive some leprosy!” In fact, when a leper came to Him for healing, Jesus, full of compassion, told the leper, “I am willing; be cleansed.”

Unfortunately, there are some Christians who say, “It is God’s will for me to be sick. God has some purpose, some mysterious purpose for my situation. It is all part of His divine plan and we shall all know in the sweet by and by, the reason why!” But these same people go to their doctors to get well. They take their medication and rest. Why do they do that if they really believe that God wants them sick? Doesn’t make sense, does it?

Come on, what makes perfect sense is this: God wants you well. He wants you whole. His will is for you to be healed! In fact, He is so willing that He took all your sicknesses and diseases upon His own body, so that you don’t have to suffer them today! He allowed Himself to be beaten and scourged, so that by His scourging — by His stripes — you are healed! (Isaiah 53:5) Since He has already suffered the sickness on your behalf, why should you suffer it today?

So my friend, if you are sick, know that God did not give you the disease. Read every healing miracle that Jesus did in the Gospels and see how Jesus is the Lord who heals you. (Exodus 15:26) Hear His gracious words, “I am willing, be healed,” and know that they are as much for you today as they were for the leper!

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