Tuesday, May 30, 2017

#JesusCalling 30 May

I just stopped of what I am doing right now and spend time with His word.

It is so refreshing. ❤❤❤

Try it.

The Gift of Your Time

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

—2 Chronicles 16:9

Don’t rush through our time together. When you are in a hurry, your mind flips back and forth between Me and the things you are about to do. You have My full attention; I want your full attention too.

Set aside a special time every day just to be with Me. It can be early in the morning or just before you go to sleep. It can be soon after you get home from school. But don’t let other things crowd out our time together. Then look for a quiet place where you can relax in My Presence. Perhaps it’s a cozy spot in the den, or in your room. Or maybe it’s outside under a tree. Find a peaceful place for us to meet. Look forward to our time together!

When you bring Me the gift of your time, I strengthen you and prepare you for what is ahead of you—this day and all your days.

Psalm 119:27; Hebrews 13:15

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Timely Salvation

I am so pumped up with the Holy Spirit.

That is why I am sharing this with you all.

Let's rejoice of what Jesus has done for us at the cross.

Jesus is an awesome Savior!

And He is so coming soon !



God created and implemented a salvation plan exclusively for you before the foundations of the earth were established. God loves you so much that He planned and predestined His timely salvation plan for you through His Son, Your Savior, Jesus Christ. In Christ we are redeemed through His powerful blood. The Blood of Jesus Christ, our Savior, paid for the penalty of our sins and resulted in the forgiveness of our sins in accordance with the riches of His grace which He lavishes on us.

If you didn’t know already, you are a part of God’s will and family, set apart, chosen, and claimed by God as His very own. You were chosen by God before you ever thought about needing a savior, deliverer, redeemer, and shepherd. God had you covered and established His redemptive plan for your life by and through His loving grace and mercy. By accepting Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior, receiving His loving gift of salvation, following Him, aiming to continuously align and live a life that purposefully targets to obey God’s will, word, and way, you are faithfully and actively walking in God’s salvation plan for your life as a believer.

You are special in God’s sight and He has a dynamic plan and purpose for you, but you must receive by faith His free loving gift of salvation established exclusively for you. God knew every aspect and outcome of your life before one of them even came to be and loved you enough to send His one and only son to die for your sins so that you will be saved and have eternal life if you believe in Him. Don’t entertain the thoughts that you are unlovable, unforgivable, or unsaveable, because God came through for you already in timely salvation!

What a powerful, awesome, and loving Father we serve that prepared for our beginning, present, and eternal destiny. Receive all of God’s promises for your life today, because God’s timely salvation is available for you for every area and aspect of your life. Jesus’ blood has already redeemed you. It’s time to believe, receive, and possess the promises and inheritance our heavenly Father has bestowed on us.

God always comes through on time for you. Faithfully obey His instructions, develop in His training, and receive His loving gift of salvation as you triumph in victory, wisdom, and encouragement.

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See Jesus’ Grace and He Sees Your Faith by Joseph Prince

It is not about your faith ,
it is all about seeing Jesus.

See Jesus’ Grace and He Sees Your Faith

“I don’t think I have enough faith to be healed.”

My friend, it’s not for you to see how much faith you have. That’s God’s department. All you need to do is simply see how gracious God is toward you.

The woman with the issue of blood didn’t go around saying, “I must have faith. I must have faith...” No, she wasn’t conscious of her faith (or lack of it). She was conscious of Jesus and His goodness. How? She heard about Jesus. She must have heard all about His kindness toward the sick and oppressed, and how He healed and delivered them ALL.

She simply saw Jesus in His grace, and Jesus saw her faith and affirmed it—“Daughter, your faith has made you well.” Beloved, just focus on Jesus’ grace. See how He healed ALL without qualification and keep hearing of His goodness!

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Shall I keep sinning?

Shall I keep sinning because I have the assurance that God loves me so no matter what?

Of course not!

I did not give up my sexual preference because of guilt, fear or anything else except that
I have received a revelation through the Holy Spirit deep in my heart that enough is enough.

I am sure it is the Holy Spirit that is alive in me has lead me to that.

Because I rely too much on my flesh.

The world is a playground ...
It is amazing to be here.

It is cool to be love and be loved by someone you think is right for you.

But some things can just get out of control.

And if you don't ask the Holy Spirit to guide, you will still be stuck in your "old" ways.

And the Lord our Abba, Father doesn't want that to happen to us.

If you are like me that is stuck in this situation. I am encouraging you to talk to Jesus and let Him guide you.

He will have answers and you will be just be amazed of what His plans are for you.

Try it.

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Come Boldy To Jesus No Matter What

Come Boldy To Jesus No Matter What

No matter what you are going through right now, keep believing that God will never leave your side.

No matter how messy your life has become.

No matter how senseless it has become.

Keep the faith.

Because God is your only HOPE.

No one else !

He has give up Jesus for you.

There is no way that He will just abandon you like that.

Use your trials to feed your faith.

The more you are challenged by it ,

the more that you should boldly come to Jesus.

Jesus is your restorer, healer, protector and provider.

Read Psalm23.

And don't forget...
keep coming to Jesus-filled Christian church.
A church that magnifies Jesus and not your failures and problems.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

#JesusCalling 28May

Today when I woke up,
I had a choice of what my first task will be.
Either to check on my Facebook or lnstagram
or just do my usual routines , prepare and eat breakfast.


It is different now.

I chose to read #JesusCalling instead and start wearing Jesus to prepare me for the day.

Here is why.

Put Me On

Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.

—Romans 13:14

Every morning you put on the clothes you need for that day. A jacket for cooler days. Boots for rain. Sweats for exercising. Putting on the right clothes prepares you for your day.

Clothes take care of the outside, but what about the inside? I have a suggestion: Put Me on. Wear Me. This will prepare you for your day.

How? “Put Me on” by talking to Me first thing in the morning. And then “wear Me” throughout the day by keeping Me in your thoughts. Keep checking in, because things change. Just as a change in the weather might call for a change in clothes, a change in your world might call for a change from Me. Maybe this morning you needed encouragement, but now a little forgiveness is what you need.

So clothe yourself with Me—it’s the best way to start your day.

Psalm 27:8; Colossians 3:12

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Friday, May 26, 2017

#JesusCalling 27May

Holy Spirit, please guide me today.

Grant me wisdom in everything that I do.


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Getting Filled With All The Fullness Of God By Joseph Prince

Getting Filled With All The Fullness Of God
By Joseph Prince

Ephesians 3:19
19to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

We would all like to experience more health, abundance and success in our lives. God, being God, has all of these things, won’t you agree? So to be full of God is to be full of health, abundance and success. But how does one become full of God?

In the past, I was told that to be “filled with all the fullness of God”, I had to fast a certain number of days, pray a certain number of hours and speak in tongues incessantly! I am not belittling fasting, praying or speaking in tongues, but to be filled with all the fullness of God is not about what you do. It is not even about your love for Christ. It is actually about knowing the love of Christ! No one ever told me that if I knew how much God loves me and focused on His love for me, I would be full of Him.

When God made you, He designed you to run at optimal level when you are filled with His love, like a car that runs at its best when it is filled with the right kind of petrol or gasoline. When you realise how much God loves you and you feed on His love for you, you will be supernaturally filled with the fullness of God.

And to be full of God is to be full of everything God is to you and has for you. To be full of God is to come to a place of life, health, peace, abundance — total wellness.

Also, when you are conscious of how much God loves you and you become filled with the fullness of God, what follows is the next verse — God doing exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works in you. (Ephesians 3:20) You will experience the tremendous blessings of God exploding in your life! You will become a blessing magnet!

So as God’s beloved, continue to be nourished by His love for you, and experience more health, abundance and success in your life!

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Ask God For Wisdom

Yes. Ask God for wisdom. He will pour it unto you with no questions asked.

My testimony?
Even my world is quite messy right now, I can say I'm good. Because I believe I am grounded on His wisdom. And Jesus is with me. That is the most important thing in this life's journey.

His promises have never failed me yet.
And that is my only Hope.

The same thing goes with you.

Because He loves you so.

Keep the good hope in Jesus, my friend.

And you will never be disappointed.

Keep walking with Him. And in time,
you shall reach your destination in Victory!


Thank You Abba Father !

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Holy Spirit please talk to me

Sunday, May 21, 2017

God Will Surely Show You Kindness By Joseph Prince

God Will Surely Show You Kindness
By Joseph Prince

2 Samuel 9:7
7So David said to him, “Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father’s sake, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather; and you shall eat bread at my table continually.”

When the people in the palace heard that King Saul and his son Jonathan had died in battle, they panicked. Fearful that David was coming to seize the throne, and kill all the sons and grandsons of Saul, they ran for their lives. A nurse took Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, and ran. But as she fled, the five-year-old boy fell and became lame in both feet. (2 Samuel 4:4)

The poor boy would not have been crippled if they had known that David actually loved Jonathan and Saul, and would have looked after Jonathan’s son because he had made a covenant with Jonathan. (1 Samuel 18:3)

In this story, King Saul represents the human race. He is like Adam who sinned against God and forfeited all that God gave to man. He had the position, but not the power anymore because of sin. Jonathan, who came after Saul, represents Jesus, who came as a human. Jonathan was not like Saul — he was good, just as Jesus is not like Adam — Jesus is the perfect Man. David represents God. So Jonathan’s covenant with David speaks of Jesus’ covenant with God. Mephibosheth represents believers today who are “lame” in some way — sick, depressed, fearful, poor and so on.

Now, Mephibosheth became lame because of bad news that was based on a lie. Many believers today are suffering needlessly because they believe the wrong things about God. They think, “My sin has found me out! God is coming after me!”

Well, I have good news for all Mephibosheths: David is not after your life! When David looked for Mephibosheth, it was to show him kindness, to take care of him and restore to him the land that had belonged to Saul his grandfather.

Likewise, God is not out to get you. He knows all about your sins and still loves you. That is why He sent Jesus as the payment for your sins. And because of Jesus’ covenant with Him, He says to you, “Don’t be afraid, I will surely show you kindness. I will restore all to you and you shall always eat at My table!”

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Friday, May 19, 2017

You Are Safe with Me

The more you make mistakes or failed,
the more that you should come boldly to Jesus.
He is your restorer.
He is your comforter.
He is your security.
And most of all,
He is your peace above the storm.

You Are Safe with Me

The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.

—Psalm 29:11

You are completely safe and secure in My Presence—even when you don’t feel that way. You are never separated from Me because I never leave you.

When you forget that I am with you, you may feel lonely or afraid. If that happens, say a prayer or whisper My Name: “Jesus.” This will remind you that I am still right beside you. As you focus on Me, I will replace your loneliness and fear with My Peace.

As wonderful as My Peace is now, it is nothing compared to heaven. In heaven I will still be right by your side, but you will be able to see Me. You and I will talk face-to-Face. And your Joy will be bigger and better than anything you can imagine!

1 Corinthians 13:12

Jesus Calling
by Sarah Young

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

—Isaiah 55:9 (NKJV)

I gave you an amazing mind. With it you can think great thoughts and dream great dreams. But My Mind is infinitely bigger and more amazing. My thoughts contain all of creation and the universe, all of the past, present, and future. And because I understand all things and all times, My thoughts and My ways are different from yours.

Life can be like a box of puzzle pieces—with the box top missing. When you look around at your life, all you can see are the pieces. But I see the final picture. I know how all the pieces fit together. I know how to join together all the jagged pieces of hurts and disappointments, plus the smooth pieces of victories and joys.

Trust My timing and My ways. Trust Me to fit all your pieces together into a wonderful life. And trust Me—at the end of your life—to lead you home to heaven.

Isaiah 55:8; Psalm 73:23–24

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A Bible Reading Plan to Battle Fear

A Bible reading plan to battle fear.

Saving it here on my blog for your reference as well.

I have not checked on these yet.

So feel free to comment your thoughts.

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Behold the Lamb of God

Time to feed my soul with Jesus-filled teachings.

It makes a lot of difference.

Just reading few words about Jesus,
I get so refreshed everytime.


"the Power of Right Believing"
By Joseph Prince

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Freedom from Condemnation

Do not fight your depression.

Just think of Jesus.
Meditate on Jesus.
Thank Him for He is Your Lord and Savior ,
and the depression shall melt away effortlessly.

"the Power of Right Believing"
By Joseph Prince

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Gems Sparkle Under Light

Thank You Jesus for loving me.

I opened this "The Power of Right Believing" book by Joseph Prince and this message popped out.

Love how God, Abba Father keeps reminding me of His love these days.

I am just waiting for His amazing miracle.

And while I do that, I'm gonna abide and keep praising Him no matter what.

...because He loves me so. ❤❤❤

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Monday, May 15, 2017

#JesusCalling: Take Up Your Shield by Sarah Young

You know when God is speaking to you when you read a devotional like this and you just scream, "Woooooow! Ameeeeen Lord Halleluyaaaaah!"

I got so tired from a whole weekend's event and today, moving to another place.

I felt so hungry for His word and when I read this.

I just said, "Woow!"

Now I feel so refreshed and am ready to doze off.

Good night everyone.

It's 1:15 am here in Singapore.

Chat with you soon.

For now enjoy today's devotional from one of my faves #JesusCalling by Sarah Young.

Definitely , you will be blessed by this. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Take Up Your Shield

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

—Ephesians 6:16

There is a battle going on every day—a battle for your mind. And Satan has an unlimited supply of arrows. His arrows are the lies that he whispers to you, trying to weaken your faith. His arrows say, “No one loves you,” “Even Jesus wouldn’t forgive that,” “There’s no hope for you,” “You are so worthless” . . . lie after lie after lie.

Protect yourself with your shield of faith. When you feel the sting of one of Satan’s lies, come to Me and hear My truth. The truth is, I love you so much that I died for you. There is nothing you can do that I won’t forgive. In Me, there is always hope. And you are My own special creation, always precious to Me.

Take up your shield of faith. Stand up to the devil, and he will run away from you. Come close to Me, and I will come close to you.

James 4:7–8; Revelation 12:10

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

#MyChristianDiary 78

#myChristianDiary 75

Because I was stubborn at first.
Was dominated with my flesh.
I thought just hanging around in this world is the
only reason for my existence.
But I was so wrong.
You have great plans for me.
Even if I didn't believe or recognized it first,
you still showed me the way.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Stop Worrying !!!!

Today's preaching is about "worry."
God surely know that you are worrying.
I am worrying too.
So let's just listen to Him and rest.
Yes. Let us NOT worry.
With God on our side,
everything's gonna be okay.


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Thursday, May 11, 2017

#JesusCalling: Don't Borrow Worries

Okay Lord.

I will try to this and make this a habit.

Thank You for Your reminder and assurance.

I believe You will do it.


Don’t Borrow Worries

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

—John 14:27

Whenever your mind gets stuck on a problem, bring it to Me and thank Me for it. Ask Me to show you My way of handling it. When you do this, your mind is freed and the problem is robbed of its power to make you worry. Together, we will deal with your problem, either facing it right now or putting it aside for later.

You see, many of the worries that tangle up your mind today are actually ones that you have borrowed from tomorrow. Don’t waste time worrying about whether or not you will make the team next year, or pass the class next semester, or even what you will do this weekend. Give those borrowed worries to Me and let Me put them in the future where they belong. Leave them there—out of sight—and I will replace them with My Peace.

Philippians 4:6


#JesusCalling by Sarah Young

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Location:Yishun Avenue 6,Yishun,Singapore

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Still He Walked

Everytime your problems or current circumstance are shaking you down,

meditate on this truth.

This is what Jesus has done for you.
His walk through the cross is an assurance that whatever your life is
taking you right now, HE IS WITH YOU ALL THE WAY.


May this lift your faith and be bold in your walk with Jesus.


He could hear the crowds screaming "crucify" "crucify"... 
He could hear the hatred in their voices,
These were His chosen people. 
He loved them,
And they were going to crucify him.
He was beaten, bleeding and weakened...
His heart was broken,
But still He walked.

He could see the crowd as He came from the palace.
He knew each of the faces so well.
He had created them.
He knew every smile, every laugh, and every shed tear,
But now they were contorted with rage and anger
His heart broke,
But still He walked.

He searched the crowd for a loving face and He saw very few.
Then he turned His eyes to the only one that mattered
And He knew that He would never be alone.
He looked back at the crowd...
At the people who were spitting at Him
Throwing rocks at Him and mocking Him
And he knew that because of Him,
They would never be alone.
So for them, He walked.

The sounds of the hammer striking the spikes echoed through the crowd. 
The sounds of His cries echoed even louder,
The cheers of the crowd, as His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, 
Intensified with each blow.
Loudest of all was the still small voice 
Inside His Heart that whispered "I am with you, my Son",
And God's heart broke.
He had let His son walk.

Jesus could have asked God to end His suffering,
But instead He asked God to forgive.
Not to forgive Him, but to forgive the ones who were persecuting Him.
As He hung on that cross, dying an unimaginable death,
He looked out and saw, not only the faces in the crowd,
But also, the face of every person yet to be,
And His heart filled with love.
As His body was dying, His heart was alive. 
Alive with the limitless, unconditional love He feels for each of us.
That is why He walked.

When I forget how much My God loves me,
...I remember His walk.
When I wonder if I can be forgiven,
...I remember His walk.
When I need to be reminded of how to live like Christ,
...I think of His walk.
And to show Him how much I love Him,
...I wake up each morning, turn my eyes to Him,
.......And I walk. 

Author Unknown

God is Mighty to Save!

Whatever problems you are facing with right now,
just believe that God is BIG, so strong and so Mighty!!!
There is nothing in this world that He cannot do for you.
You are His beloved.
He sacrificed Jesus , His only Son for you.
There is no way, that He is going to abandon you right now.
Close your eyes and say,
"thank You Abba, Father.
Thank You for not forsaken me no matter what.
In the midst of my failures and problems,
You are still with me.
I shall praise You forever Lord. Amen!"

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

#JesusCalling 10May2017

One more devotional for today!
Stay hungry!

Watch to See What I Will Do

But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

—Micah 7:7

You are human, and that means you will make mistakes. So don’t be so hard on yourself. And don’t waste time thinking about past mistakes. That only makes you feel like a failure. Instead, bring your mistakes to Me. I can use them to make something good happen. Let Me use My creativity to weave your choices—good and bad—into something beautiful.

Try to see your mistakes as blessings that can help you be more understanding of others. For example, when you are angry and say the wrong thing to a friend, that mistake can help you understand—and forgive—someone who says something unkind to you. More importantly, mistakes give you the chance to trust Me to bring something good out of everything. Bring Me your mistakes—and then watch to see what I will do with them.

Romans 8:28

#JesusCalling by Sarah Young

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Vitamin For The Soul


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