Saturday, July 2, 2016

Not Guilty

I used to wait and get excited on Sundays to refresh my soul and spirit.
But with today's technology and many blessed and Jesus-centered, grace pastors emerging daily,
It's more cool to feed your soul everyday with them.
Do not wait for Sundays.
You need God's wisdom daily and every minute of everyday to keep the good fight of faith.
When you do it daily,
just praising Him or getting closer to Jesus and Our Abba FATHER, No time wasted at all.
You will get the benefits in the most expected way.
Today I am sharing what I just learnt from "Jesus Calling For Kids".

It's about forgiveness to those who have do you wrong. Because you are forgiven by Jesus.
It's more peaceful to live that way.

Enjoy today's devotional my friend.


Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
—Luke 6:37

My children make a hobby out of judging one another—and themselves. But I am the only true Judge. I hate seeing My children put themselves down or judge others. This is not My way for you.

I gave you the ability to choose what is right. If you live close to Me and follow My teaching, the Spirit will guide you and correct you. I died on the cross so that you would be washed clean of all your sins. I gave My own blood so that you would be fully forgiven.

So forgive others, and forgive yourself. Let My Spirit help you make good choices and correct you when you need it. And always remember, I do not condemn My children.


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