Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Problems are Temporary

Let your problems build your spirit up.
We all have problems from all sorts of kinds based on lifestyles , or beliefs etc.

You see.

I have never encountered someone whom is free of any problem.

The point is , how you are dealing with that problem.

I, too have my own problems. But I just don't magnify them in my life.

I choose to magnify Jesus in my life instead.

So if you are, by chance been following my Facebook, (www.facebook.com/dinxcarin)

My walls is filled with God's goodness, fun and positivities.

Because problems are temporary.

When God says, "He will never leave you nor forsake you!"

You should believe Him.

Because He is not a liar.

I believed Him.

I will always believe Him.

Even if sometimes the feeling is not there,
(Cuz I am only human)

I still end up believing in Him.

Because He is My Abba , Father!

Enjoy today's devotional from #JesusCalling.

It has blessed me.

I am sure it will bless you too!

Let Your Problems Lift You Up

So we do not give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day.

—2 Corinthians 4:16 (ICB)

When a problem pops up in your life, be glad. It isn’t just a problem. It’s a chance to see things from My point of view.

A problem gives you two choices. You can get upset and throw a fit, which will take you down into a pit of feeling sorry for yourself. Or you can see the problem as a ladder, a chance to climb up into My Presence. There, in the Light of My Presence, you can see your problem as I see it—a temporary thing that will go away in time. You may even learn something from it.

This world will tell you that problems bring you down and make you weaker. But I say, problems are a chance for you to be lifted up and made stronger.


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

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